
Archive for December 19th, 2008

3.0.8 Patch Summary

Hey all, we’ve got a patch coming soon and I thought I’d give you a quick and dirty heads up of what to look for. This is my short and ugly summary, so if you want details go here.

Death Knights are getting buffed up. Doubled healing abilities, a Raise Ally rez spell, and more threat generation ability. Their Anti-Magic shell is also getting a lowered cooldown (maybe the focus is shifting even more towards caster tanks than it had been previously?) Frost Presence is going to be giving a ton of extra magic damage protection and armor (see? Told ya.) for those of you who jump into frost and tank a bunch.

Druids are mostly getting a feral upgrade. Instead of weaponry having to be specifically geared towards feral druids, now all weapons will have the potential of giving feral power. When a druid looks at the weapon they will see a tooltip on it that other classes won’t that shows the amount of Feral power that a weapon has. Survival of the Fittest also gives a big armor boost now too. Yay Druid Tanks.

Hunters I’ve gone over about 3 times already, so I won’t go indepth. But! I would like to point out something I had previously not known: Arcane shot now costs about the same amount of mana as Steady shot! Woohoo for spamming more powerhouse hits and still having mana to do…anything, lol.

Mages get a stackable arcane blast now. Stack it and any arcane damage shot to follow it does a percentage of damage based on how many times you managed to stack it. Woot! Sounds like fun. Also, improved blizzard has better stun effects now and slow fall is a party wide cast now.

Paladins: Divine Shield, Divine Protection, Hand of Protection, and Avenging Wrath all share a cooldown now. But not to fret, you get a new ranged taunt ability. Rock on you pally tanks.

Priests now have a party wide levitate and a buffed up mana burn, not much else here.

Rogues get some more armor and more dps from Fan of Blades.

Shaman totems no longer generate threat, and get some buffs based on the totem.

Warlocks, oh how I love ye, and I’m not even one. You guys and gals get this kickbutt new Ritual of Summoning. Basically, instead of summoning one person per soul stone thingy, you use one soul stone to open a portal that stays open for 5 minutes. You’re own personal summoning stone that others in your part can use. Open a portal, take a nap. Me likey. Oh and your drain mana gets a buff.

Warriors you get more rage and wave goodbye to that 5% penalty to Titan’s Grip. Lucky Punks.

Other than that there are just a few tweaks to the professions, a few quests, and no more racial restrictions on mounts (yeah…night elves on mechnostriders won’t look silly at all….<<sarcasm>>).  We’ll see 60 more graveyards in orginal Azeroth. Ghost speed and wisp speed will get increases. Finally, my personal favorite, tapping of a target (basically when the game decides that its yours and you’ll get benefit from it) will be 100% based on whatever the first spell or attack is cast on it. So if I shoot it, and some dude runs up and starts beating on it, I don’t lose out on my kill that some jerk is trying to gank and I’ll still get the xp and loot. That’s Nice.


In other news, Davlin will be out of game from the 20th to the 30th for the holiday. But blogness will continue.

Here’s some macro’s for you.

General Macro of the Post: Targeting macro.

/tar <target’s name>

I used this for getting the Spirit Beast, works great. But you don’t need the full name it turns out. Loque’nathak is the spirit beast’s name, and the macro I used was /tar Loque. It worked fine….lol very fine.

Class Specific Macro of the Post: Paladins: The infamous bubble hearth…

#showtooltip Hearthstone
/cast [button:1] Divine Shield
/use [button:2] Hearthstone

Between casting Divine Shield and using your hearth you’ll have to wait the 1.5 seconds for the global cooldown.

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Me Haz Spirit Beast!

Yes ladies and gentlemen, I, Davlin of IronForge have done the proverbial “it.” I’ve gone and stalked, trapped, and tamed the elusive spirit beast, Loque’nahak. I spent yesterday afternoon and this evening circling Sholazar, mining and sucking up Steam Clouds, as well as spamming the macro for targeting him if he arrives (/tar loque) and finally, at 9:45, at coords 20,71, I got her.

I’ve named her after Frejya, a Norse Goddess, simply because the name was uber pretty enough to match the awesome gorgeousness of said wonderful pet. And no worries folks, Jaffa isn’t jealous. He and her are getting along great. Just as well as Jaffa and Bubba get along. I’m honestly proud of him. He’s usually so tempermental when I bring home new pets.

Wanna see her?

OK! (more…)

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